Smoking Cessation
- Smoking is the major causal agent in the development of COPD, as well as a contributing cause to many other diseases.
- Smoking cessation is the most important management for improving the outcomes of patients with COPD.
- The additive property of smoking and withdrawal symptoms of smoking cessation makes it difficult for smokers to quit.
- 94% of individuals are not successful on their first attempt, there require 6 to 9 attempts at smoking cessation.
Types of smoking cessation program:
There are two types of smoking cessation program:
Behavioral therapy
- Behavioral therapy includes education on the benefits of being a non-smoker, counseling.
- Acupuncture and hypnosis are the part of behavioral therapy approach because the purpose is to change smoking behavior.
Pharmacological therapy
- Pharmacological therapy includes the use of :
- Nicotine replacement therapy and
- Non-nicotine replacement medications.
Nicotine replacement therapy
- Uses of nicotine gum, lozenges, patches,sparays, or inhalers.
- This product decreases the withdrawal symptom linked to nicotine such as;
- craving for tobacco products
- anger
- irritability
- anxiety
- depression and
- concentration problems.
Non-nicotine replacement medications
- Medications are bupropion and varenicline.
- These drugs counter the withdrawal symptoms of smoking cessation and increase the likelihood of quitting without the use of systemic nicotine.
Smoking cessation without any support has a success rate of approximately 6%.
Aur 2008 meta-analysis regarding smoking cessation found that the use of behavioral therapy had a 14.6% success rate, pharmacological therapy alone had a 21.7% success rate, and a combination of both behavioral and pharmacological therapy had a 27.6% success rate.