

Epilepsy: Types, Partial epilepsy, Generalized epilepsy

What is Epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a tendency for spontaneous, recurrent seizures due to abnormal electrical activity in CNS.

Types of epilepsy-

  1. Partial epilepsy

  2. Generalized epilepsy

Partial Epilepsy

  • Epilepsy in which the onset of a seizure is referable to one hemisphere (right or left hemisphere).
  • Types of partial epilepsy

  1. Simple partial epilepsy- no loss of consciousness.

    1. Motor simple partial epilepsy

      1. Tonic

      2. Atonic

      3. Clonic

      4. Tonic-clonic

    2. Sensory simple partial epilepsy

    3. Psychomotor simple partial epilepsy

  2. Complex partial epilepsy- with loss of  consciousness

    1. Motor complex partial epilepsy

      1. Tonic

      2. Atonic

      3. Clonic

      4. Tonic-clonic

    2. Sensory complex partial epilepsy

    3. Psychomotor complex partial epilepsy

Generalized Epilepsy

Seizure attacks arise from one focal point and involve both hemispheres.

💸💸Always consciousness is impaired.

Types of Generalised Epilepsy-

  1. Absences 

  2. Myoclonic seizures

  3. Clonic seizures

  4. Tonic-Clonic seizures

  5. Atonic seizures

Absences (Petit mal epilepsy)

  1. Onset is childhood (between 4 to 12 years of age).
  2. A brief episode of seizure in which a person is mentally absent.
  3. Patients develop 100 attacks per day for 5 to 15 seconds.
  4. 30% of children grow up (adolescence) may develop Tonic-clonic seizures (Grand mal epilepsy).

Myoclonic Seizures

  1. Sudden, brief, generalized muscle contractions with loss of consciousness.
  2. The commonest disorder is benign juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME).
  3. Also occurs in degenerative and metabolic disease.

Tonic Seizures

  1. Sudden sustained muscular contraction with immediate loss of consciousness.
  2. In adults, tonic attacks are rare.

Tonic-Clonic Seizures (Grand Mal Epilepsy)

Phases of grand mal epilepsy:

  1. Prodrome

    1. Occurs before seizures.

    2. Prodrome is not part of seizures.

    3. During prodrome, Patients can develop mood abnormality and motor abnormality which is perceived by self but others can observe.

  2. Aura

    1. This is part of seizures and the earliest phase of seizures.

    2. The only Patient can perceive a strong gut feeling, smell, taste.

  3. Tonic phase:

    1. Increase body tone with rapid loss of consciousness.

    2. The patient may develop cyanosis and epileptic cry.

    3. An epileptic cry is a result due to spasticity of respiratory muscles with partial closure of vocal cords.

  4. Clonic phase:

    1. The clonic phase begins as abnormal neural activity is slows.

    2. Agonist and antagonist muscle fire alternatively result in jerking.

    3. There may be a risk of tongue biting and urinary incontinence.

Atonic Seizures

A seizure is characterized by loss of muscle tone and sudden fall with the loss of consciousness.

Pseudo Seizures

Pseudo Seizures are seizures like conditions by psychological which are not due to electrical discharge in CNS.

Symptomatic Epilepsy

  • Epilepsy which is occurs as symptoms of an underlying disease.
  • Example: Meningitis, Brain tumors, Cerebral abscess.

Jacksonian Epilepsy

  • When involuntary movement 'march' from one muscle group to the next.
  • This is because the electrical discharge in the cerebral cortex is 'marching'.
  • It can be sensory or motor.

Todd's Paralysis

  • After the motor seizure, the affected limb may remain weak for some duration before the return of function.

🚵🚵Status Epilepticus

  • When the consciousness does not return between the attacks of seizures, the condition is called status epilepticus.
  • This state may be life-threatening with permanent damage, coma, development of pyrexia, and circulatory collapse.

Causes of Generalised Epilepsy

  1. Genetics
  2. Cerebral birth injury
  3. Hydrocephalus
  4. Prolonged anoxia
  5. Drugs which irritate CNS:
    1. Penicillin
    2. Antimalarial drugs
    3. Cardiac arrhythmic drugs
    4. Cytotoxic drugs
  6. Withdrawal of alcohol
  7. Hypocalcemia
  8. Renal failure
  9. Meningitis
  10. Syphilis
  11. Degenerative diseases

Recommended Topics

  1. Seizure
  2. Investigation and Medical Treatment

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