

Fourth Phase: Physiotherapy in Care of Burn Patients

Fourth Phase of burn Care: Rehabilitation

Goals for the Physical Therapy Plan of Care for the Patient with Burn:

  • Wound and soft tissue healing are enhanced.

  • The risk of infection and complication is reduced.

  • The risk of secondary impairment is reduced.

  • Maximal range of motion is achieved.

  • The preinjury level of cardiovascular endurance is restored.

  • Good to normal strength is achieved.

  • Independent ambulation is achieved independent function in ADL(activities of daily living) and IADL(instrumental activities of daily living) is increased.

  • Scar formation is minimized.

  • Aerobic capacity is increased.

  • Self-management of symptoms is improved.

Principles of Physiotherapy in Care of Burn Patients 

The job of the therapist begins immediately after burn and is carried over the entire period of the recovery until the final rehabilitation of the patient is achieved.

Physiotherapy primarily involves:

  • Positioning 

  • Splinting 

  • Assisting in pain and wound management.

  • Selective mobilization of body segments.

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