

Beat Air Pollution on this World Environment Day 2019

 World Environment Day 2019

  • World environment day is held on 5th June 2019. It is not a public holiday, it is an environmental awareness day run by United Nations. The aim of the day is to raise awareness of the environment and specific environmental issues.
  • Environment day was established in 1972 but first held in 1974 which show that concern about the environment go back several decade at least.
  • 143 countries take part in world Environment Day and day focus on the environmental concern ranging from pollution to global warming and sustainable food production to protection of wildlife.

Why do we mark environment day as an international days?

International days are occasions to educate the public on the issue of concern, to mobilise political will and resources to address global problems and to celebrate and reinforce achievement of humanity.

2019 celebration of World Environment Day

  • World environment day 2019 will be hosted by China with a theme of "air pollution". We can't stop breathing but we can do something about the quality of air that we breathe.
  • Approximately 7 million peoples worldwide dies prematurely each year from air pollution with about 4 million of these that occurring in Asia Pacific.
  • World environment day 2019 will urge government, Industry, Community and Individuals to come together to explore renewable energy, Green technologies and improve air quality in cities and region across the world.

causes of Air pollution

  1. Household- The main source of household air pollution is the indoor burning of fossil fuels, wood and other biomass-based fuels to cook, heat and light homes. Around 3.8 million premature deaths are caused by indoor air pollution each year, the vast majority of them in the developing world.
  2. Industry- In many countries, energy production is a leading source of air pollution. Coal-burning power plants are a major contributor, while diesel generators are a growing concern in off-grid areas.
  3. Transport- The global transport sector accounts for almost one-quarter of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions and this proportion is rising. Transport emissions have been linked to nearly 400,000 premature deaths.
  4. Agriculture- There are two major sources of air pollution from agriculture: livestock, which produces methane and ammonia, and the burning of agricultural waste. Around 24% of all greenhouse gases emitted worldwide come agriculture, forestry and other land-use.
  5. Waste- Open waste burning and organic waste in landfills release harmful dioxins, furans, methane, and black carbon into the atmosphere. Globally, an estimated 40% of waste is openly burned.
  6. Other sources- Not all air pollution comes from human activity. Volcanic eruptions, dust storms and other natural processes also cause problems. Sand and dust storms are particularly concerning.

How to beat air pollution

  1. Face marks: Air pollution is made up of particles and gases face marks can be effective in limiting exposure to fine particles.
  2. Humble extractor fan: Nitrogen dioxide produces by flames during cooking and cause indoor air pollution humble extractor fan reduce the indoor air pollution by removal of toxic toxic gases some Indore environment.
  3. Personal air purifiers: They are short term stay for a peoples to save their lungs but they does not solve their pollution problems which also harm animals, agriculture and structure. People should not have to breathe through an air filter their entire life.
  4. In car filter system: Consumer can't know how effectively their car filter the air they breathe. Car is small boxes but they are driving in the most polluted place. Filters in the car should catch noxious gases such as nitrogen oxide with charcoal.
  5. Bus shelter pollution zappers: Bus shelters are developed which turns gases into dust.
  6. Planting trees: In term of air pollution mortality and morbidity, planting trees does not have useful. planting is more useful for absorbing carbon dioxide which affects pollution indirectly through temperature but not directly as a chemical pollutants.
  7. Green walls: In heavily traffic areas plant extract carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide for photosynthesis and also helps to suppress dust particles.
  8. Responsible burning: Good ventilation, dry fuel and high temperature are essential for clean burning. smokeless fuel use in chimneys that produces more nitrogen oxide then wood and both produce small particles that are not noticeable but harmful.
  9. Use public transport: Our transportation used to produce 30% of carbon dioxide gas emissions.
  10. Buy energy efficient: because when purchasing a vehicle considered fuel efficient and alternative fuel vehicles
  11. Turn off engines in red light

Responsibilities as an individual

To reduce pollution is not for the responsibility of one individual but its for every people. you can meet people, discuss the issue and share ideas on what you can do about air pollution.

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